It was also Russian Easter yesterday. Our Ukrainian and Georgian offices have day-off today (they are also technically Orthodox), but Moscow “never sleeps”, as the proverb says, so job-job-job...
Anyway, about the window (you remember my Window view?!). Drum sounds all day long. And the same is every day now, otherwise I wouldn`t mention this tiny drummy interruption of my life rhythms.
That is the rehearsal of the Victory Day parade. As always it will be on the 9th of May and on the Red Square. So right now, quite a crowd – though a very well-organized one – is marching on the banks of the Moskva river. Maybe it looks more interesting today, but I could only find some past spring pictures (2008). It looks a bit sunnier now, but all the rest should be the same – soldiers marching, officers talking and musicians playing. Enjoy if possible :) (more enjoyment by a click).

And as I said, from my distance (like 300 meters straight) I hear only their drums. Drum-drum-drum...

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