Perhaps that isn`t terribly obvious on the screen (though possible to click on the picture for the better version), but there is a huge line of people along our building (it`s hidden by cars, fence and limited by picture size). I was out: the crowd - the line - really is huge, all along our cozy side-street, which by the way is called Bolshoy Tolmachyovsky pereulok - Big Tolmachyovsky side-street, where “Tolmachy” is an ancient (and it is a historical area here) Russian word for “interpreters” (they were living here in medieval times).
Anyway, back to the people in line. The white and red-ish building on the left (the first pic) is the Tretyakov Picture Gallery, and next to it (the second pic) – there is a church. Just a typical orthodox church –

Looks bended, but that`s optical –

Car parking is an issue, as everywhere else –

Colorful. Am a bit tired after winter grey dullness of everything, so just enjoying bright colors now –

Tail of the line -

Just for two days – and I found it out only now after inquiring people in the line – some important icon from the Gallery`s storerooms was transported to the Church, for public demonstration. Only for two days, as the icon is deeply in the restoration process and will be returned to the workshops.
Perhaps a crowd of people standing in line creates some energy, and that inspired my colleagues and me with several business-like concepts, never to be implemented though.
- Have you seen, the corner chebourek (*Mid-Eastern fried pasties) shop is closed today?
- Bad luck for them, it`s chilly today. Could be a nice sale. Poor people.
- Who exactly?
- Let`s sell them some tea (*we have an old cooler/boiler thing).
- Microwave something – bet they can eat anything now!
- I`ll write an advert, but who will be walking along the line? Not my strong part.
- What about selling them the right to use our WC?
That sort of ideas…
The line is well organized, with mobile fences. The police person (”millitsya”) makes announcement through megaphone. “Danger zone” written.

Now adding some visual and active effects: small video, showing church interiors and the actual icon. Click www.vesti.ru
Somehow that inspired me to make kind of TV news research on the subject. So the following are several video clips with TV-news. Enjoy the full package: pictures of Moscow (very few), Russian language (a lot, watch the intonation, follow the message), church interiors (goldy). And just watch people on the close-ups – they are real, the ones whom I see every day being one of them.
www.1tv.ru - The wonder icon. The church of Sanct Nickolay in Tolmachy. Hundreds of people. The icon of three and a half centuries old. Came from the gallery for two days, and will be put back on restoration after. All the trouble taken because that is the Easter week. That is one of the main central tele-channels.
news.ntv.ru - As you see from that video, it is difficult to make proper shots of the area – tiny streets, lots of cars and people, so only church temples an be filmed easily. “Malyy Tolmachyovsky” (Small Tolmachyovsky) – the actual location of the church (as opposed to my address mentioned above). The NTV news, playing the human orientated channel, pays quite an attention to some excited woman who speaks religiously.
www.vesti.ru - That is official channel. Serious guy with a somber voice. Stock exchange rates (whether the viewers understand them or not). Some explanation from the “restoration” lady, who is responsible for not spoiling the icon. How the actuall transportation happened: the church stands on the backyard of the gallery, but they still were dealing with temperatures, humidity, that sort of things. Another lady is some specialist in history of art, speaks about the original idea and role of the icon. Icons of that type (representing this particular picture) are supposed to hang above door or gate. This very famous one was once hanging in the church on the Red Square, and somehow became a "miracle" in people minds. The bottom part of the icon is almost disappeared because people were kissing it there. Then - two bosses – director of “Tretyakovka” and the priest. And the speaking girl in the end – I saw her! I was just walking out of the office, aiming to metro. And when she imitates something with her hands (and follows with the text in Russian) – I am actually one meter on her left, walking briskly. My claim for fame :)
Anyway, the main news is that: Spring is finally coming and everything looks a bit more alive -

PS, updated: Don`t know why I called "cheboureky" Mid-Eastern food (perhaps that was something of creative writing). They are totally Caucasian and Crimean thing. Still quite southern... Very thin and deeply fried, with different fillings (meat is original one). Very juicy in the middle and crispy on the outside, and, briefly, just the type of tasty but a bit wrong food.
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