I mean at work. So we try to show our best activities etc in order to prove that we were okay and we would be okay. That`s quite a tricky psychological moment here, because I need to be sure that I am always okay (am working with my self-esteem now), but well – I don`t mind finding some nice photos of the events and showing them to the world. Not now of course, because that would not be an example of my perfect professional behavior.
Anyway, what I can say here:
- Reports need happy faces, even if the event is completely educational, takes place in a tiny room and involves pages of something printed in small letters. Well, typically people try to look happy and they smile. We work with youth by the way.
- As for the “youth” topic – that`s fun to chose pictures with them, because even in the depressed auditorium described above you can find some quick looks, quick smiles and other proofs of young romantic behavior, which I totally understand and ready to support morally.
- Photos of summer events – usually involve some naughty clothes and really funny footwear.
- I quite hate when it is necessary to show the pictures of some groups with disadvantages. Because being mentioned in the special context – they don`t look like I want them to look like. I always want them to be mentioned in the “main root”, just in the main line, so you can`t see the difference.
- More observation: people`s attention differ. In a huge hall there always will be someone sleeping, shaded in by dozens of other happy faces.
- Youth on the pictures also work with their self-esteem and they like to express themselves with some mysterious gestures or even a lit cigarette, which won`t be approved by me even in admiration to their age.
- Gender balance is sometimes a nightmare, because as everybody knows – girls are everywhere (and boys`re working with their self-esteem in other places).
By the way, playing with the pictures is just a small part of my job. I also don`t mind to do some translations from time to time (which means regularly, but "English into Russian" is sure more simple for me, that`s why I took that challenge here, writing in English).
It`s Sunday now, and although I know that it is a little bit “mauvais ton” to come to the office in weekends – I don`t mind, because that`s my own fun anyway. There is a small translation to be finished, so bye now.
Update, minute later: oh, sh... just opened the file, it`s not "a small translation"%)) definitely need to go now :))
Подарок от Оли
И главное! Ко мне прилетел сюрприз от Оли (блог Луковкина улыбка).
Желанные наборы от Риолис и много интересных открыток. Вот прямо реально -
не знаю, с ч...
8 years ago
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