... when I saw the advert in one French magazine. Starring our former president Gorbachyov, promoting Louis Vuitton bags. Actually I absolutely don`t mind and not going to use big words sort of “leader of empire”, “ideas of consumption”. That is still quite a legal way of earning some (well...), some money, so I don`t really care.
But honestly I didn`t feel extremely comfortable when I saw him on the back cover of the “far away French” magazine, full page. The man on the back seat of the car which is supposed to be a good car, with quite a bag on his left? Was he playing a respectable pensioner enjoying his life? Something about never-ending adventure? He doesn`t look extremely happy (well, I know, nobody can guarantee staying happy all his life), but more than everything - he looks a bit puzzled and maybe lost. That`s not a confident proud look of the former Somebody. Perhaps he was playing just an ordinary person, but let`s face it – an ordinary person doesn`t typically travel with a personal driver with a posh sack.
On the other hand I do guess that it`s better than selling really ugly or dangerous stuff or advertising a drink which is believed to be the Russian national one (aka vodka).
And perhaps he is spending the money earned on that project for something really important and valuable. Am still in the age when I do believe in better thoughts and intentions.
Подарок от Оли
И главное! Ко мне прилетел сюрприз от Оли (блог Луковкина улыбка).
Желанные наборы от Риолис и много интересных открыток. Вот прямо реально -
не знаю, с ч...
8 years ago
you do know I hope that I am not completly stupid lol but this needs a lot more explanations for me to understand. Can I get further details in one of my emails :)))
BTW, I hopes your receive my last mail
by the way that was emms
privet (which is hello)))), open your mail box in 5 minutes, svp)))
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