Friday, November 27, 2009

Interview with Valerie Mairesse

Hey! It`s FINALLY published!

"Enfin veuve" is in Russian cinemas since today. And my interview with Valerie Mairesse, one from the cast, is published. My first experience of that kind, so useless to ask me avoiding such an excitement. Was taken during the festival "French Cinema today", organized by UniFrance in Russia in October.

All was done perfectly right, trust me. It was a conversation, with toughts, words and laughs, with a touch of... when remembering Coluche for example. With jokes when Valerie was making fun. Interesting. And it was perhaps quite challenging for her - not being the main personage nor the film maker - to defend the film in a new country. But she sure liked her stay in Russia and the experience involved.

The interview was planned for October 1st, but there was some weather issues for Novosibirsk flights, and the festival group was coming from there already, so finally the interview was on the 2nd.

In the evening of that day there also was a meeting with one new friend of mine, Olya from Tomsk (Siberia), who was in Moscow for a day when going to Germany and France.   

 Pictures are done by my dear friend Ann whom I - thanks to job and landlady`s issues - have not seen for some time now.

Yes, I need another apartment. And that`s nothing to do with the actual photos%)

Back to the interview. Perhaps I`ll translate it into English - sort of can do it - but first of all: have to survive the conference next week (work), and to find another apartment (personal life, hmm). Ciao, see you!

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