Looks "St-Pete teaser" was here for quite some time... No point of speaking about it now, it`s all gone. It was good as a journey and as a working experience.
Then I had Geneva for a weekend and Paris for a bit more. Which means Europe twice a month! That`s what happening when I - luckily - have the annual Shengen visa. No more hassles, no more far forward booking, no more documents collecting, no more visiting embassy visa centers etcetera... Well, all that happiness till next May, and we`ll see later.
Both journeys were really exciting, pretty crazy and so full of everything, that I`d prefer not not describe them now. But briefly:
- Geneva, in spite of its Swiss and posh image - I had it of my own. Sleeping under stars and sky, in a sleeping bag of course. Soaking under tha rain and getting sun-almost-burn the next day. Lots of music, lots of talks, lots of people around. Why all that? Suspens. Great fun, sort of I never had before.
- Paris... Well. To start with - I adore that city. Even knowing its less perfect parts and its citizens also not always perfect - doesn`t matter. Perhaps I was a Parisian in my previous life. This time Paris was so full of theatres for me. Every evening, during a week, which has already surprised even my closest friends. Right now, not going to tell more, because need to go out very soon... Oh, I also ate my first couscous - not very French of course, but in real Quartier Latin, in a realy lovely little restaurant... That is not to think that I can speak about food more that about the theatre.
The other thing I wanted to share. There was the French Cinema Today festival in Russia, the tenth already. Organized by Unifrance. They promote French cinema all over the world. This year there were eight new French films presented, ready for Russian release, plus several more films to complete the festival program. The festival was in Novosibirsk and then in Moscow. I just had one day to return from Paris.
Each new film was presented by its producers, or authors, or actors. And here is an exciting part: I was interviewing one of the person! That is my work - volunteer and enthusiastic - on the Cinema-France website. By the way it is registered as mass media now, so that`s how our team appeared to be there.
...The Gas company came to check appartment now, so they took my time, and now - need to run, have some appointment. Promise to tell about the interwiew later! I loved that experience!
Подарок от Оли
И главное! Ко мне прилетел сюрприз от Оли (блог Луковкина улыбка).
Желанные наборы от Риолис и много интересных открыток. Вот прямо реально -
не знаю, с ч...
8 years ago
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