The picnic organized by The American Chamber of Commerce in Russia - in the historic Kuskovo Estate. Promoted as the largest Independence Day celebration outside the United States. Live music and food.

With Tatyana, my colleague.
A display of antique cars.
That was a cloudy day, and it rains till now, with grey, almost autumn rain.
A bit of sport, shooting bows etc.
My fans and me. I was actually more falling down than jumping.

B2 band, pronounced "Be-dva", rocking on stage. Cool, good Russian rock.
Couple of their songs, if interested. The first is part of the “Brother” (“Brat”) movie soundtrack. The direct links to Youtube will be opened here, not in a new window. No one writes to the colonel and Silver
Some information about the Kuskovo estate in English here
Here you can click the photos (on the left) for lovely views of interiors and the park - right here.
When walking with a camera I do collect all sort of bears, as pictures. In one of previous posts I was making some explanation about the “Bears and Michaels” connections, in Russian language. Well, there is some more explanation about why I do care about bears, but won`t bore you with it now (briefly, there are more connections with some other names, important for me). These ones are made of flowers.
There was also a firework, but I was already out of there - had some “Cinema by night” adventure. The “Audrey Tautou night” in one of the oldest cinema-theatres in Moscow, “Khudozhestvenny” (in English just brief “Artistic”). The following is their website, and if you scroll down the text in Russian – there is a picture of the building.
The "night" looked like three films with this French actress. From 23:00 till almost 7 in the morning, which turned out to be survivable. There were coffee-breaks between the movies. Actually there were several hundreds of people like me, not going to sleep that night. Couldn`t even find seats so had to seat in the director`s private lodge (the dark side of free admission again, hehe).
Deep night, some fresh air during the coffe-break.
Early morning, time to clean streets and go home. Metro is already working.
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