Some pictures from Moscow to show the holiday season. The weather was not specially winter one, but funally we have some snow. At least a little bit, though not everywhere.

In the center (technically it is an island in the middle of Moscow).

Typical Megalopolis Christmas tree

Some trolleybuses have been repainted to make the streets more colorful and ready for celebration. Perhaps that was the plan, though don`t know for how long the words about the New year will be on board (I mean they might look a bit bizarre later in the year). I also saw the tram driver in the costume of Father Frost (our Russian Santa Claus, looks the same). Well, that was a nice idea, makes people smile :)

Near where I live - the Metro station "Prazhskaya" (named after Prague, to confirm the "friendship" during the Soviet times)

Another one in the same area, but on the other side - close to the shopping center.

Many office and shop entrances are decorated with something looking like the X-mas trees

"Chanel" written in Russian.

The hot-dog spot

Undecorated but real. The red-ish building on the horizon is the Moscow city hall.

While Saturday walk with my friend we also found the Wish-tree. Examples of wishes (read there and translated here): "Wish to pass the winter university exams on the Customs law", "Wanna cool boyfriend and an I-pod", "Would like to study in the acting (theatrical) colledge and a car", and lots of healthy-wealthy wishes.

Near the Moscow City Hall.

Near the Kremlin, entrance to the Red Square

Fifty meters apart - the next one. With two policemen on the horses (the town center exotica) and the police people truck (is it exotica?)

This year innovation - the flying snowmen :)

In the Indian food place, mixing the styles :)

In the bookstore

Bye now and have fun!
From Moscow, photographed with love :)
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