The horse rides are well popular among the tourists

As well as horse images on the Riga Circus building

Camels and others are also okay for advertising purposes

But animals are not always welcomed to be honest :)

So-called "The Bremen musicians" (as in kids stories). The noses are well polished in search of a good luck

Pink and naughty :)

The Cat`s House roof is decorated with – obviously – cats. It was built in the beginning of the 20th century. The owner – a rich trader - had some conflict with the local commercial guild. So using the cats` backs metaphor he was showing his attitude. Later they turned the cats over, so it was not looking that offensive.

If we are really careful we can notice that the word "Elephant" in Lettish, pronounced "Zilonitis" has something in common with Russian "elephant" which is "Slon" :)

“Hello, we are also animal looking creatures” :)

Lots of buildings in Riga (in the Old town) are richly decorated. Animalistic details and herbal ornaments are among the evidences of the “modern” style in architecture (Modern = Art nouveau = Jugendstil).

Birds in other circumstances

Latvia is famous for its milk products. Cheese with caraway seeds, the perfect sour cream, youghurts with cranberries and rye bread crumbs... The cows are well respected for that.

Being a Pisces never miss a fish :)

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