Just visited my native town, known as Vladimir. Had to go there to collect some of my papers and just to show myself. The previous visit was in September (hmm...) when I was organizing my passport etc. And as it was half a year ago - my three-years old nephew has totally forgotten me. But this time we had quite a time together including two great activities:
- reading the books (see the photo);
- doing some biathlon - means running all over the apartment imitating people on skis with guns. I mean... you have an idea? But he knew the rules! :)) You run like you have skis on your feet, ski poles in your hands and a gun behind you back. Then you fall onto the floor, take off the gun and try to shoot with unexisting rifle, then get up and run again, and again. The task is to be the second after the boy :)
His name is Arseny which has some arsenic aspect if in English, but it is just a Russian name. An old one, but it appeares now and again. My brother is Artyom which was also quite rare in my/his childhood, but very popular now. As for me - am the wide spread Svetlana :)
As for the pictures... I have not discussed posting the pictures with him, so will show just this. It`s interesting that his eyes have red-eyes effect, but not mine.

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