I know, I know... I was going to post more about lovely Cyprus, and also to open my deep-deep intrigue about something. Not going to happen tonight. Also there was something still uncovered about Lille and Paris in March (more Zoo pictures or just something about our parallel French visit, mine and of Mr.President). Yes, but not tonight and anyway.
I just have come home, and yes, it is not the right time to travel within Moscow after midnight. But the reason looked respectable enough, for me anyway. The first day of the Week of French Cinema (Semaine du Cinema Francais, voila!). Because of the announced Year of France in Russia (and vice versa there) there are more francophone events this year, which suits me perfectly.
I actually planned to visit only one film tonight, but then - why not and how often? - decided to have a fuller program. So thanks to my friends from Cinema-France I finally got:
- the press-conference with Olivier Assayas and Claire Simon. Both are film-makers and very interesting people to listen to. Especially Assayas as he was more on demand tonight. Special thanks and my total admiration to his translator, who was able to interprete and present huge amounts of texts, like several paragraphs non-stop. Actually I always admire French film makers, actors and other professionals for being able to speek so sincere. They can be both simple and profound, they speak easily about their thoughts and feelings, they have nothing of arrogance nor snobbism - I do not know why this is too difficult for their Russian colleagues but perhaps that is the temporal crisis of growth;
- later I had a couple of photo challenges during the interviews with both of them. One - in the smoked cafe and another - just in the crowded lobby. Pictures would be awful, and it was not my camera, but I will think about the documentary value of that material;
- I also had to rent out my dictaphone to the friend who was speaking with Claire Simon (sorry, I was not ready for the talk myself as to that moment still have not seen the film);
- then there was the actual opening ceremony. Quite plain but with the embassy people. In fact I think there was Mr.Ambassador, but I was busy with the camera and, you know, with simple joys of the opening ceremonies like fancy little food (and there is nothing like a free lunch!).
- then there was the first film - "Summer hours" by Olivier Assayas. Briefly, it is a good movie, very French with almost invisible Asian touch, very thoughtful and full of inspiration, the film which questions;
- then there was the improvised discussion about the film (with Olivier) in the cafe. As one of the main participants of the Week, Assayas was going to stay longer - at least till Monday master-class, but had to cancel it because need to go to Paris tomorrow morning. His new film "Carlos" was shown on the Cannes film festival, so there is something to deal with now;
- then I was late for the second film - "God`s offices" by Claire Simon. I watched it almost totally (it is two hours long and I was already almost late for the last metro). I think I`ll search for it to fill in the missed gaps. The film is about the female assistance center, which solves pregnancy issues. Unfortunately, that is still an exclusively female topic, and I saw several men refusing to watch this movie. There will be a meeting with Claire Simon on Tuesday, and if I won`t be late from work and after the theater, I will be there (yes, somehow Tuesday is already like that...).
I certainly liked the first day of the Week (of French Cinema). I definitely did not like the trip on the last metro - somehow the late Sunday crowd looks too depressive and negative: it is better on Friday and Saturday nights when people might be still crazy but at least they have some plans for a weekend. Luckily I am home now, going to finish some web stuff (audio and photos from today exchange, plus commenting), desperately need to sleep, and see you later!
Подарок от Оли
И главное! Ко мне прилетел сюрприз от Оли (блог Луковкина улыбка).
Желанные наборы от Риолис и много интересных открыток. Вот прямо реально -
не знаю, с ч...
8 years ago