One of my bedside table books: To be healed by the earth by Warren Grossman. It is not only about healing, but could be understood universally. The book which you may open on any page and start reading comforting text or watching relaxing pictures. It makes me so calm and serene :)
The chapter read yesterday – “Generosity”. About importance - and even necessity - of giving. Both giver and receiver get benefits from that, because giving allows the nature`s energy to flow.
The proof experienced yesterday – washing the windows at home. As perhaps someone knows, "my home" is a tiny little room in the rented three-bedroom apartment shared with two landladies of respected age (62 and 82), which may sound a bit pathetic but no condolences – that is my choice and financial decision. Anyway...
Washing the windows is quite a commitment, especially when you are not the biggest fan of household chores, so I felt pretty antagonistic when they suggested me to help them with all (all!) apartment windows, which makes four rather huge ones. Not that I wanted to quarrel about that, but I didn`t want to do it. At all. But being sort of a nice person... And once the decision was made, I experienced sort of a calm fatal feeling. And the windows were washed. I mean - by me :) Feeling myself almost the hero of the neighborhood, which - perhaps - proves that giving is good :)
Read right books :) Peace to everybody :)