Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, is the last devided capital in Europe (in the world, I hope). The wall guarded by the United Nations forces. The photographing is not terribly welcomed in such circumstances, but as both sides (Cyprus and Turkey) are looking forward to join EU - they are more tolerant towards curious somebodies like us.
We even managed to cross the line and to walk in the Turkish part of the town. They actually allowed that, having opened some streets for tourists this spring. But as no system is perfect, we found ourselves in the situation when the way back was a bit complicated. We had no passports nor other IDs with us. And nothing seemed to worry a person while we were leaving the Greek part, but as soon as we finished our walk in the Turkish part and decided to return... Ok, as I say, pictures are better, because reading all those letters might be a bit boring. All is fine, finally safely back.